Meeting with Margaux Cannoni

Rencontre avec Margaux Cannoni

Meeting with Margaux Cannoni, co-founder of the women's nutrition brand Jolly Mama.
Jolly Mama offers products, developed with experts, 100% organic, natural, healthy and delicious, made in France, to stock up on vitamins and minerals!

At Paloma Collection, we love knowing the story behind every inspiring woman. If you had to choose three key moments that shaped your journey leading up to the creation of Jolly Mama, what would they be?

Difficult exercise, but I would say...

1. The idea: it was Marie, my partner, who came up with the idea after a very difficult first postpartum, during which she was exhausted. She was living in the US at that time, and she saw that there were nutrition brands for mothers, but with products with questionable compositions. She talks to me about it, I worked in healthcare, and I was the mother of 3 children, and we say to ourselves that there is something to be done!

2. The launch: at launch, no one believed in our project. The service providers (like communications agencies) didn't even want to work on the project (and we were planning to pay them!) because they didn't find it glamorous... We fought, and it took off right away! It was a great source of pride.

3. Difficulties: in 2022, we faced a huge difficulty which almost collapsed the company. We had redone our website (and at great expense... We sell almost exclusively directly, it's "our showcase") and it didn't work. There were a lot of bugs and customers couldn't order. We had to do another one urgently and we lost a lot of money in the process. But we have grown from it, and we now approach subjects with much more perspective and caution!

Jolly Mama addresses a variety of health/well-being concerns at key moments in a woman's life: hormonal balance, fatigue, nutritional deficiencies... Can you explain to us how Jolly Mama helps women to address them? overcome ?

We talk very little about nutrition in France, and yet it is the pillar of our health. Numerous studies have shown the impact of diet on our health: did you know, for example, that in nearly 50% of cases of infertility, the cause is inadequate nutrition?

During breastfeeding, our body is well made and will draw on reserves for the baby, but this can lead to deficiencies for the mother and therefore potentially fatigue, depression, significant hair loss, etc.

Outside of these maternity periods, good nutrition will contribute to a peaceful cycle, because yes, it must be said, period pain is not normal!

What ingredients do you use in your snacks and food supplements?

Each active ingredient, each ingredient is carefully selected and sourced. We look at everything: efficiency, assimilation, safety, provenance... It's a job lasting several months!

Are they only intended for pregnant women?

No way ! We became known for products for breastfeeding, then pregnancy, but we now have several ranges and numerous products that may interest all women: snacks enriched with iron, drinks for hormonal balance, plant shots for period pain or heavy legs...

And as always with our products, we really have a very accomplished formulation, with scientifically proven effectiveness!

What are your daily inspirations to create such a cutting-edge range of products?

We are 2 women, 2 mothers, we simply make the products we need. We also draw inspiration from our mothers, our sisters, our friends and our community.

We are lucky to also have a community of very dedicated experts who support us on a daily basis to bring the best to women.

And now, let's talk a little look and fashion 🤩

It seems to me that you have 3 children. When you were pregnant, what were your favorite maternity clothes?

To be completely honest, I hardly bought any maternity clothes. It must be said that at the time of my pregnancies, there wasn't much fun going on! Paloma Collection didn’t exist yet 😉

At Paloma Collection, we believe that maternity clothing can be a wonderful way to celebrate this special time in a woman's life. Do you have a special memory linked to a maternity item of clothing that you wore?

There is a loose dress that I wore for each of my pregnancies. It was very damaged after 3, but I kept it as a concrete memory of all that 💛

Thank you Margaux for sharing your inspiring story with us.
